Affiliated Organisation:

D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Austria Austria
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Belgium Belgium
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Bulgaria Bulgaria
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Croatia Croatia
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Cyprus Cyprus
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Czech Republic Czech Republic
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from France France
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Georgia Georgia
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Hungary Hungary
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Ireland Ireland
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Italy Italy
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Latvia Latvia
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Lithuania Lithuania
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Monaco Monaco
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Netherlands Netherlands
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Poland Poland
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Portugal Portugal
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Romania Romania
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Russian Federation Russian Federation
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Slovakia Slovakia
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Slovenia Slovenia
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Spain Spain
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from Ukraine Ukraine
D/ Past students of Jean-Paul II's Institut from United Kingdom of Great Britain United Kingdom of Great Britain

Member of the following organization(s):

Institut Jean-Paul II - Istituto Giovanni Paolo II Lateran University
D/ Le Saint Siège - The Holy See - La Santa Sede - Der Heilige Stuhl - A Santa Sé International

Melina Livio Roma Vatican /
Noriega José Roma Vatican /
Romano Roberto Roma Vatican /
Soldevila Manrique Victor Città del Vaticano Vatican /

Liaison Enlace Link Committee

Contact e-mail WEB Site - HOME
Ce site est l'expression du Comité de Liaison des Associations d'Action Familiale. Ce Comité a pour objectif de maintenir les liens et de favoriser la communication entre les associations qui s'intéressent à la promotion de la vie familiale, à la planification familiale naturelle (PFN) dans un contexte d'éducation à la vie familiale (EVF) et en accord avec ses principes directeurs.

This web site is the voice of the Link Committee. The Committee has the objective to maintain the links and to encourage communication between the associations that are interested in promoting the family life, natural family planning, (NFP) in a context of family life education (FLE) and in accordance with its basic philosophy

El Comité de Enlace tiene como objetivo mantener los lazos y favorecer la comunicación entre las asociaciones que se interesan a la Planificación Natural de la Família (PFN) en un contexto de Educación a la Vida Familiar (EVF) de acuerdo con los principios directores